Call for Entries: Documenting 2022
It’s been quite a year. It had its ups and downs, its hardships and joys. We want to see what 2022 looked like for you – in all its everyday glory. Submit today to be featured in an online exhibition by Made for Documentary.
Submission Guidelines
Please follow these guidelines exactly. Due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to accept any entries that do not meet the submission guidelines.
1. Send us up to 3 of your favourite documentary images (photographs must be taken in 2022).
2. Resize your images to 1200px on the long side, 72ppi and rename your files using the following format: firstname_surname_1.jpg;
3. In your email tell us about your image in less than 50 words. Why is it a favourite, or what was your thought process or inspiration for taking the image, or how does it responds to the theme “Documenting 2022”? An edited caption may be published alongside your submitted image.
Label each caption as follows:
Caption for firstname_surname_1: [Write your caption]
Caption for firstname_surname_2: [Write your caption]
4. Include your name, email address, website and Instagram profile link (if you have one) in the email.
You can use the following format:
First Name Surname
5. Send your submission to with the subject line “DOCUMENTING 2022”
6. Submission deadline: Midnight (GMT) on the 9th January 2023