Confident Pricing: the Sustainable Business Toolkit for Family Photographers

a self-paced course with Alice Chapman and Antonina Mamzenko

Photographing families makes your heart sing, but when it comes to pricing and selling your art… well, that part can feel soul-crushing and downright confusing.

Maybe you’ve slapped a random price on your services and are hoping for the best. Or maybe you’ve priced yourself just below your closest competitor in the hope of attracting more clients. Maybe you’re shooting non-stop but barely making ends meet, living month to month. Or maybe you feel like you’re doing it ‘just for fun’ and therefore don’t need to be compensated for your time, skill and costs.

Did you know that 85% of photography business fail in the first three years? Sustainabilty is about staying power.

If you’re anything like us, you’ll want a simple, sustainable business that can support your own family while also feeding your creative soul. But how on earth do you get there?

Buy now

Download the materials to keep and work at in your own time.

Imagine a world where you confidently price your services and earn what you need so you can live your best creative life – and support your family and your future in the process. 

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“The amount and quality of information given by Alice & Antonina is priceless.” — Kylee

Welcome to Confident Pricing, a self-paced course for family photographers that will guide you towards financial sustainability on your own terms. Here’s what’s inside:

🌟 Packed with Content: You’ll download a welcome video, a 99 page PDF of in-depth written course content including bonus content, and a spreadsheet calculator with accompanying walkthrough videos.

🌟 Money Mindset Makeover: Unravel your relationship with money and self-worth. It’s time to see yourself as an artist deserving of every penny or cent you charge – and it’s not even as woo woo as it sounds!

🌟 Define YOUR Success: What does success mean to you? Not society, not family, not friends – YOU. We’ll help you outline your own version of it and create goals that will help you get there.

🌟 Easy Financial Audit: It’s time to get your head out of the sand! The first step towards being a thriving (and not starving) artist is understanding exactly where your bottom line is, and that means taking a birds-eye view on how much you spend and how much you need to earn. We’ve developed an easy-to-use calculator that will guide you though this as painlessly as possible (because let’s face it, not everyone likes spreadsheets).

 🌟 Authentic Pricing: Deep dive into crafting a pricing model that reflects your worth, resonates with your ideal client, and is a perfect fit for today’s challenging economic landscape.

🌟 Non-Sleazy Selling: Does the mere thought of selling make you die inside? No one hates sleazy selling more than us. We’ll teach you how to reframe sales as a service – making it feel focused on relationships and delighting your clients, and not about transactions or tricks.

🌟 Money vs Neurodivergence: Bonus content for neurodivergent minds, sharing tried and tested tools for getting better at managing money if you have one of those brains that makes keeping track of your finances challenging.

🌟 Pricing Documentary Family Photography: While this course is designed for all family photographers, we have a special bonus unit focused on pricing documentary family photography specifically, and addressing common misconceptions surrounding the genre.

🌟 Study in your own time: We know that life gets in the way sometimes. Download the materials to keep forever and work through the content in your own time, revisiting sections any time time you need to.

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“Thank you for pushing us to charge what we are worth. I was worried that no one would pay my new prices or want products and the first client I show them to didn’t even question it!” — Jennifer

There are so many (negative) myths surrounding money and getting paid to do creative work – here’s just a few we’ll be busting inside the course:


✖ Myth: I’m just not good with money, never have been, never will, so there’s no use in even trying. 

✔ Reality: Remember that time you couldn’t wrap your head around f-stops but now it feels like second nature – or at least, not as scary as it was when you first started? Money is a bit like that. It might seem intimidating and wildly elusive, but it’s a skill, not an innate talent. Financial literacy isn’t a club reserved for the chosen few; it’s for everyone willing to dive in – and learn. With the right tools (they’re included!) you can easily make data-driven decisions about the numbers in your business, no matter what your confidence level. What’s more, money is more than numbers. It’s about the stories we tell ourselves, the habits we hold onto, and the dreams we want to realise. You’re an evolving, learning human being. You’re not destined to be stuck in a money rut. Plus, the calculators are ready made – easy! 

✖ Myth: I love what I do, and it feels easy, so I shouldn’t charge much for it.

✔ Reality: The idea that passion and ease should somehow devalue your work is an old tale we’ve been told (ever wonder why?), and honestly, it’s time to flip the narrative. This ease you’re talking about is not a flaw, it’s your superpower. It’s the thing that gets you up in the morning, has you pouring over details, and making sure every piece of work you produce is a labour of love. Your clients aren’t just paying for a service; they’re investing in your unique voice, your perspective, your wholeheartedness. Wouldn’t we all live in a better world if we were fairly compensated for the work that we were born to do? Charging your worth doesn’t mean you’re in it for the money – it means you’re enabling yourself to be in it for the photography, long term. 

✖ Myth: I’m not getting bookings as it is, so I can’t raise my prices.

✔ Reality: It’s easy to think of pricing as a straightforward maths equation: lower prices = more bookings. But here’s the thing: it’s not always about the price; it’s about the perceived value. Think of it like a quirky vintage store hidden in a corner of the city. They’re not competing with fast fashion; they offer something unique, rare, and full of character. And guess what? People are willing to pay for that experience. Sometimes, raising your prices doesn’t deter clients; it attracts the right ones. It sends a message: “I value my work, and so should you”. You’re not just offering a service; you’re offering an experience, a vision, a slice of creativity that’s unmistakably you. And let us tell you, there are people out there searching for that very thing.

Buy now

Download the materials to keep and work at in your own time.

Don’t take it from us:

This is a brand new self-paced version of a previously taught course. We’ve been helping family photographers take control of their finances for many years. Here’s feedback from our previous business courses and mentoring.

“Drop what you’re doing and sign up for this course! The material is so thorough and complete. It’s easy to read through and listen to. You have to do the work, but Alice and Antonina are there to assist and cheer you on. I would’ve spent 3x what this cost had I known the value of what I got!”

Sarah Wimmer Steffen

Alice and Antonina have poured so much knowledge, experience and a huge amount of care into creating this course full of business mastery and spreadsheet heaven. The course has everything and anything you’d possibly need to know about starting or transforming a documentary photography business from a place of support and guidance every step of the way. I’ll be forever grateful.”

Nic Shuttleworth

“The amount and quality of information given by Alice & Antonina is priceless. By far, one of the biggest benefits is finally being able to understand & visualize my numbers and proper pricing. More so, believing that my time and work are worth it. Both Alice & Antonina were incredibly gracious with answering many questions and sharing their insight and expertise. These ladies created such a positive & helpful environment. You can tell they honestly want you to succeed and flourish in this industry, and thanks to their guidance, I feel like I’m capable to do so!”

Kylee Meyer Reed

Once again the Made For Documentary team have created an incredible learning experience.  I now have a complete set of tools with which to run my business with confidence.  I have gained a deep understanding of the finances of my business, both day to day and longer term and defined actions to move forward.  Antonina and Alice have been at hand throughout, no question too silly or too complex. I finally feel much more as though I am running a business rather than being run ragged by it!”

Rebecca Lewis

It was a bit of a kick up the bum to get on with things and gave me confidence in pricing my work correctly in order to be sustainable. Thank you Alice and Antonina!”

Rosie Dedman

This course was the best investment for my business, so much specific and personalised advice in an incredibly supportive environment. Thank you so much!”

Anett Pengelly

I cannot say enough great things about this course! I went into it with little to no idea on how to grow and transform my hobby into a business. Antonina and Alice handed me a road map to follow that I could take at my own pace. The course materials are invaluable and something that I will refer back to over and over again. As with all the Made for Documentary classes, they create an atmosphere where everyone can grow and learn from whatever stage they are at in the process. I’m so glad I signed up!”

Samantha Vaupel

“Antonina and Alice have both been so generous with their knowledge and experience. Before I started this course I wasn’t 100% sure why I was struggling to make my business profitable. Through the coursework and support from Antonina and Alice, I have identified my weaknesses and strengths and gained an educated insight into what my next steps need to be to move my business forward.”

Teresa Eldridge

This class is your playbook for starting a documentary family photography business!  Alice and Antonina give you all the tools to design a business that YOU want while cutting through all the overwhelm that comes with starting something new.  I now have a clear path and the confidence to make my dreams of running a documentary family photography business a reality.  If you’ve had a similar dream, sign up for this class…right now…do it!  You will not regret it.”

Christine Passler

Your Instructors

Alice Chapman

Alice has been a family photographer since 2011. The moment she realised documentary family photography was an established genre was the moment everything started to make sense. Alice is passionate about enabling families and children to be themselves in their family photos so she can champion their individuality. Alice has been listed five times as the top UK family documentary photographer by the Family Photojournalist Association, winning many awards. Alice is a This is Reportage Family multi-award winner and a Documentary Family Awards finalist. Her work has been featured in many international publications, platforms and exhibitions, including the Royal Photographic Society, Digital Photographer Magazine, Photo Vogue, Shutter Hub, Click Magazine, PhotoPlace Gallery and the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts. With 15 years’ people management experience, being a qualified coach and experienced mentor, Alice is passionate about helping photographers thrive.

Antonina Mamzenko

Antonina is a recovering lawyer who moved from Russia to the UK in search of an adventure and found her home. She started her lifestyle family photography business back in 2009 and after getting tired of telling people what to wear and where to sit, transitioned to a more documentary approach in 2015. Over the past 10 years she has become one of the leading UK family photographers working with clients from all over the globe. Her superpower is documentary portraiture and capturing authentic moments of humour and connection. An introvert to the core, she is passionate about teaching photographers how they can run a profitable photography business while playing to their unique strengths – and without burning out.

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“With my new pricing the session I’m doing this Friday will more than cover the course investment.” — Michaela

Ask yourself: “Isn’t it time my bank balance matched the passion and effort I pour into my craft?” If the answer is a resounding YES, then hit that buy button.